General Citation Format
Searobend: Linked Metadata for English Language Texts, 1000-1300, compiled by Mark Faulkner, Declan O’Sullivan, Lucy McKenna, Colleen Curran and Ivan Bacher. Version 1, 2024.
Citing Specific Objects from Searobend
Each object in Searobend has a stable Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). This URI is the recommended way to cite information from Searobend. When pasted into that browser, it links to a display of all the information in the Knowledge Graph associated with that object.
Notional ManuscriptEXAMPLE
British Museum, Cotton Tiberius A. ii + Claudius A. iii, ff. 2-7, 9* + Faustina B. vi, vol. 1, ff. 95, 98-100URI
Thus to cite Beowulf from Searobend, the suggested format is:
Searobend: Linked Metadata for English Language Texts, 1000-1300, compiled by Mark Faulkner, Declan O’Sullivan, Lucy McKenna, Colleen Curran and Ivan Bacher. Version 1, 2024.
Citing Specific Objects from Searobend
Each object in Searobend has a stable Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). This URI is the recommended way to cite information from Searobend. When pasted into that browser, it links to a display of all the information in the Knowledge Graph associated with that object.
Thus to cite Beowulf from Searobend, the suggested format is:
Searobend: Linked Metadata for English Language Texts, 1000-1300, compiled by Mark Faulkner, Declan O’Sullivan, Lucy McKenna, Colleen Curran and Ivan Bacher. Version 1, 2024.